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Dermatology to the Skin

The skin is an organ that is open to the formation of diseases due to its constant contact with the external environment. Due to frequent exposure to environmental factors, chemicals, allergens and similar stimulants in daily life, the emergence of dermatological disorders may be easier. Diseases that may occur in the skin may cause aesthetic and cosmetic problems in some cases, and difficulties that may occur in performing daily functions in some cases. Therefore, dermatological diseases should be treated immediately as soon as they are noticed. Physicians who have received 4 years of specialist training after 6 years of medical education are involved in the diagnosis and treatment of skin diseases in Dermatology departments, also known as Dermatology or Dermatology and Venereal Diseases.

Which Diseases Are Treated in Dermatology Clinics?
Dermatology department provides services for the diagnosis and treatment of all skin diseases. Fungal diseases, psoriasis (psoriasis), acne, venereal diseases such as acne, puberty acne, eczema, syphilis, gonorrhea, treatment of all sexually transmitted skin diseases, skin cancers (diagnosis and treatment of melanoma), birthmarks, hair loss, drug allergies, hives (urticaria) treatment and investigation of its causes, sun allergy and its treatment, treatment of oral diseases, Behçet's disease, aphthae, tongue fungus and other diseases, genetically inherited skin diseases, warts, moles and molluscum, nail fungal diseases, nail thickening, Diagnosis and treatment of ingrown nails and other nail diseases, oily skin, dandruff are performed in dermatology departments.

How Are Dermatological Diseases Treated?
In dermatological diseases, drug therapy can be recommended to the patient after the diagnosis. In addition to drug treatment, dermocosmetic applications have an important role in eliminating skin problems. Some of the diagnostic and treatment methods applied in the dermatology department can be listed as follows:

Hair loss may occur due to vitamin and mineral deficiencies, stress, disorders in hormone levels and seasonal changes. It may be normal to see temporary hair loss periodically, and the fact that this problem continues to exacerbate for very long periods may be a symptom of serious diseases. For this reason, dermatology examination is absolutely necessary in order to investigate and prevent the cause of this problem in people with hair loss problem.

Excessive hair growth is a health problem that can be seen in both women and men and can make patients quite uncomfortable in terms of aesthetics. Although the most common cause of hair growth is hormonal imbalances, sometimes this problem can occur only with the effect of genetic factors. Treatment for excessive hair growth, also called hirsutism, is primarily aimed at determining the factors that cause hair growth and eliminating them. After these reasons are eliminated by treatment, epilation techniques can be used if deemed appropriate by the physician for the elimination of hair growth.

Laser epilation, which is the most commonly used method for permanent removal of unwanted hair in the world, should be applied under the control of dermatology specialists, by determining factors such as the device suitable for the skin type, wavelength, session interval, and paying attention to hygienic conditions. As a result of laser epilation with appropriate techniques, almost all of the unwanted hair can be permanently removed.

The problem of excessive sweating, also called hyperhidrosis, is a condition that negatively affects the daily life and social activities of the patient. It usually manifests itself with an excessive sweating problem in the armpit area, palms and soles. Emotional problems such as stress, excitement and emotionalism may play a role in the development of the disease, and the cause must be investigated, as they may occur secondary to a serious illness.

Excessive sweating must be treated in order to increase the quality of life and to make the patient feel comfortable in psychological terms. The primary goal in the treatment of the disease is to investigate whether there is any other underlying disease that causes sweating and to treat it. Later, depending on the physician's recommendation, if the excessive sweating problem continues, treatment options such as drug therapy, treatment with electric current, botox, surgical operation can be applied.

All non-surgical procedures applied to protect skin health and beautify the skin are within the scope of cosmetic dermatology and all of these procedures must be performed by dermatology specialists.


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