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Science Explains: 11 Minutes of Exercise Three Days a Week is Enough to Get in Shape

Science Explains: 11 Minutes of Exercise Three Days a Week is Enough to Get in Shape

According to research conducted by McMaster University and Mayo Clinic researchers and published in the International Journal of Exercise Science, it was found that it is enough to exercise for 11 minutes three times a week for six weeks to lose weight. Martin Gibala, who carried out the research conducted by kinesiologists and stated that it reduced the rate of fat by 7 percent, said: “It is nice to see our expectations confirmed. It is pleasing to see that a short exercise is effective in losing weight and getting in shape ”. Here is that research and 11 minutes of exercise ...

According to the research conducted in Canada, it has been announced that it is enough to do 11 minutes of exercise three days a week for a healthy body. According to the study conducted in partnership with McMaster University in Canada and the Mayo Clinic, 20 people with a body mass index above the normal level and the same were examined. According to the Italian Roma report website, 10 of the participants exercised 11 minutes three days a week for six weeks, while the other half did not do any sports. At the beginning of the study, all participants were subjected to athletic ability assessments while entering resistance and muscle measurement tests. The study, which was completed on 20 people who were retested six weeks later, found a 7 percent decrease in weight of the group engaged in sports compared to the group who did not. Martin Gibala, professor of kinesiology at McMaster University, who was involved in research by kinesiologists, scientists studying human movements, said, “It's good to see our expectations confirmed. It is pleasing to see that a short exercise is effective in losing weight and getting in shape ”.

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